Student Loans

I Live in Public Housing and Because of My Student Loans I'll Never Get Out


Dear Steve,

About 5 year ago I applied for College straight out of high school. I worked from 9am to 5pm, then attend school from 5pm to 10pm. While also begin a mother to a one year old boy. It was not long at all before all that hard work became too overwhelming, and I decided to drop the class.

Now I’m working one job with two children, struggling to make ends meet for the three of us. I really need you help. Right now me and my children are still living on public housing, but at this point in my life, I’m really ready for my children to be outside playing in their own back yard.

Right now I have my student loan on deferment but that just keep making the loan higher. I really think my dreams of having my kids in their own home is impossible, with my past of just wanting something better for my child. Actually pulling me in the opposite direction from giving them what they really need. My five year old has wanted a dog for so long I’m really just ready to make my children happy and also myself with getting this burden off my back. Can this just go away!!!!!!!

How can i make my student loan go away, or be easy to pay off?



Dear Tiffany,

Please update me in the comments below if this is federal student loan or private student loan debt.

Once I know that I can move ahead with some advice.

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