Student Loans

I Can't Get My Rehabilitation Request Processed and Need to Find a Student Loan Attorney


Dear Steve,

Received a statement from the IRS saying THEY goofed, misapplied some payments, and now I owe money–plus interest penalties! For THEIR mistake? Ridiculous.

Also, the federal loan rehab application that I have fedexed, faxed and sent via certified mail with confirmation of receipt each time is being ignored.

Can you recommend a federal loan savvy lawyer in Seattle who also knows tax law? As soon as possible, please–I also just got laid off from my job. 🙁



Dear K,

It is no surprise your loan servicer is not handling the loan rehabilitation request in an efficient manner. Sloppiness seems to be the standard these days.

I have no idea of someone in Seattle who is both a “savvy” student loan attorney and a tax lawyer. That’s an unusual combination.

While I do publish a list of student loan attorneys I don’t have anyone from the State of Washington.

Another place to look for a student loan attorney would be here or here.

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