Student Loans

My Wife Cosigned for Navient Student Loans Our Daughter Walked Away From


Dear Steve,

My wife co-signed a student loan for our daughter. She only went for about 2 months and quit. She never told the school or Navient. This was a number of years ago. We found out that my wife’s credit score has dropped 200 points, due to daughters not paying.

Original approval was for 25k. accrued fees now is 31k. How do I settle with Navient? this last ups letter says it’s going to collections as of 11/29/17.



Dear Mark,

You should read This is How You Can Settle Your Navient Student Loan. The disadvantage you have is you have no clue what Navient will or won’t due. Their policies change fairly regularly and without your own knowledge or working with someone knowledgeable about how they settle debt you will be left to just rely on what the representative tells you. That will most likely be incorrect information.

Navient will settle private student loans and does it every single day.

I can’t believe your daughter just walked away from school and didn’t withdraw. If she had withdrawn by the cutoff date it would have resulted in little to no debt. My condolences for your financial loss.

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