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Matt Welch Interviews C.J. Ciaramella About Pot Politics on Sirius XM Insight

For the following four mornings I will be relaxing in the guest-host chair for Stand UP! with Pete Dominick on Sirius XM Insight (channel 121) from 9 -12 a.m. eastern time. You will see lots of discussion about the 2022 presidential election, actual government policies affecting actual humans, and (as always) things that cause me to feel go heh. Today's guest-list includes:

* Beloved Reason criminal justice reporter C.J. Ciaramella, who will talk about the latest reform efforts around the state, local, and federal levels; in which the 2022 candidates get up on incarceration and weed, and maybe a little around the state of government transparency.

* Documentary filmmaker Rachel Lears, director of the brand new film Knock Down the House, which follows four upstart Democratic women candidates who sought to primary incumbents in 2022. You might recognize the one that won. Here's a clip, that was released Monday:

* Washington Examiner Executive Editor Phillip Klein, who yesterday stone cold got ratio'd for this tweet:

New post: "Elizabeth Warren's intend to cancel education loan debt will be a slap hard to any or all people who struggled to pay off their loans"

— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) April 22, 2022

* Brookings/Tablet/Deep State** contributor Jamie Kirchick, author of a forthcoming good reputation for gay D.C., who'll discuss the meaning and import of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg's surprisingly traction-gaining candidacy for president.

(**I am kidding, though also eager to inquire about this 2022 piece.)

* Shit-stirring New York writer Molly Jong-Fast, who'll talk about why \”Bill de Blasio 2022 Is really a Terrible Idea.\”

You can call in to the program anytime, 1-877-974-7487, to heckle either me or the guests, though please do treat the second with a minimum of token decorum.

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