Student Loans

Did I Get Scammed by Mentor USA?


Dear Steve,

I received an unsolicited call from a company named Mentor USA granting “help” to guarantee student loan forgiveness for qualified applicants. This is a Federal program which is free so why am I paying an additional fee that will result in thousands of dollars? According to them it was to process the payment – Lies!

They give you less than a week to read the terms of the contract and do not make themselves available for your questions until after the review period expires. When I called I got no answer and when I emailed the messages bounced back. I should have know this was not legitimate when the email was a person gmail account!

Now it looks as if I am stuck paying this monthly fee for years! It seems there is no recourse. A case action lawsuit should be filed because this scam company is making out with people’s hard-earned credit rating and money. Disgraceful practice especially since the reason why anyone is seeking loan forgiveness is because they need it and are eligible for it. This company is absorbing any savings a consumer would have had. Shame on companies like this.


Well it looks like you experienced a less than satisfactory outcome from your interaction with this nearly company. So let me help you find someone at the company to talk to in order to resolve your issues.

The BBB reports the company is located at 18071 Fitch #208, Irvine, California. – Source

Yet the building directory says they are in Suite 220.

Ultimately a good outcome here would be if the company and you can reach a satisfactory resolution so you are both happy. If you have tried to workout your differences casually, you may want to begin a more formal process to seek a satisfactory compromise. You should read How to Try to Get a Refund From a Debt Relief Company.

I did notice that Mentor USA is a member of the Association for Student Loan Relief. So I reached out to Ward Welke over there, the association always been very concerned about resolving consumer issues in the past. A giant hat tip to Ward and AFSLR. And Ward Welke or AFSLR can be a good resource to help you establish communications with the company. You can reach the Association for Student Loan Relief at [email protected].

If you are looking for additional contact information on Mentor USA then you should try:

Oscar Robles
18071 Fitch #208
Irvine, CA 92614
[email protected]

In doing a few minutes of casual research I also discovered some additional contact information:

According to public records it appear the Mentor USA website is also hosted on the same server with the following sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and

Several of the domains are registered to Shayan Darvish at Managed Logix at the 18071 Fitch Avenue address. Managed Logix says they offer services to assist student loan assistance companies. They say, “With the student loan debt being the largest owing debt in America, businesses such as yours can tap into that market by assisting student borrowers with debt consolidation. Consolidating a student loan can be time consuming and for individuals who are just leaving school, the consolidation process is one that they would rather avoid. However, with the right tools and lead management system, you can better assist students seeking student loan consolidation, while increasing your ROI and employees interaction with potential customers.” – Source

So it seems maybe the Managed Logix contact of [email protected] might be able to help you resolve this matter as well. Or at the very least, have a motivation for helping you find some satisfactory outcome.

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