Student Loans

My Son is Being Told He Has to Make Parent Plus Loan Payments After My Bankruptcy


Dear Steve,

I got a Parent Plus loan. Now they are asking my son to pay for it. I thought I filed bankruptcy & discharged I do not remember now if it is.

Now they are asking my son is equally responsible & to pay. Please advise me what to do?

What do I have to do?



Dear Francisco,

It is unclear if you have a Parent Plus loan. If you do have this type of federal student loan the parent is 100% responsible for the loan and not the student. It is doubtful your Parent Plus loan was discharged in bankruptcy unless you filed an Adversary Proceeding to determine if it was eligible for elimination as an undue hardship.

If your son is being contacted for payment that sounds more like a co-signed private student loan where both parties are responsible for the debt.

Can you confirm exactly what kind of loan you have and post an update in the comments section below.

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