Student Loans

I Can't Afford My Worthless ITT Student Loans Anymore


Dear Steve,

I graduated ITT in 2009 and at the end my total amount was 90,000 + for a bachelors in computer science which I think is ridiculous not to mention they did nothing to help me get a job and blew smoke in my face a lot of smoking mirrors and broken promises on top of that they closed a couple months ago making my diploma a useless piece of paper I have been paying since 2009 and nowwwwwww i am finally making a little mark on my payments I basically use up my entire first months check on my loans is there something else I can do I don’t think I should keep paying the collector NAVIENT for my private and federal loans anymore.



Dear Linsay,

Can you post in the comments below how much of these are private student loans. I suspect you have a lot and it makes a big difference in how I answer your question.

But for those of your loans that are federal loans, here is the process for dealing with them and interestingly it does not mention your federal student loan option under the poorly managed Borrower Defense to Repayment program.

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