Student Loans

What Should I Tell My Former Students at the Art institute of Philadelphia About Student Loan Forgiveness?


Dear Steve,

I have several former students that I taught at the Art institute of Philadelphia who are inquiring about loan forgiveness due to all of the issues with the AI’s. Do you have any up-to-date information pertaining to a possible reduction/ forgiveness of their loans?
Please and Thank You



Dear Mina,

Thank you for caring about your former students at the Art institute of Philadelphia and their student loan debt. You deserve superhero status for helping them navigate these difficult waters.

According to the information from the Pennsylvania Attorney General in 2015, eligible student for forgiveness would have already automatically received forgiveness as part of the multi-state agreement with Education Management Corporation (EDMC).

Eligible students “must have been enrolled in an EDMC program with fewer than 24 transfer credits; withdrew within 45 days of the first day of their first term; and their final day of attendance must have been between Jan. 1, 2006 and Dec. 31, 2014.” – Source

For former student who had federal student loans at the school, they could always apply for loan forgiveness under the horribly managed Borrower Defense to Repayment program. Please advise your students that if they apply for that federal student loan forgiveness program that they should not stop making their loan payments while their application for forgiveness is being processed.

If students took out private student loans for attendance of the Art institute of Philadelphia, there are no forgiveness programs unless they can find a good bankruptcy attorney with student loan experience.

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